Sunday, November 17, 2013

Fall Fundraising is over ... / PTA Meeting 11.18.13

Thank you to all the families who participated in our Fall Fundraisers, 
school photos, Miss Chocolate and Kidstuff Coupon Books !!  
The fundraisers are over ... phew !!
We are happy to report that Chestnut Street School had the most sales in Miss Chocolate and George Washington had the most sales in the Kidstuff Coupon Book fundraiser, with Cornwell Avenue a close second.
Everyone's effort together makes them all a success !!!

PTA Meeting tomorrow night.  Monday, November 18, 2013 at George Washington Elementary School Cafeteria at 7:30 pm.  We have wonderful raffles and loads of information.  Come hear from parents, teachers and Principals about what is going n at your child's school !!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Miss Chocolate orders

Thank you to all the families who ordered from Miss Chocolate for one of our Fall fundraisers.  The orders are in with Miss Chocolate and we will have the merchandise ready for you to pick up on 
Tuesday, October 29, 2013.  
You will pick up your order at your child's school at dismissal.  
Someone (an adult)  MUST sign for the items.  So, if your friend or neighbor, parent or spouse is getting your order they will have to sign for the order, just let them know.
Each school will have a designated area to pick up the orders.

We did very well and OUR children thank you in advance for all the things they will get in return !!!

Don't forget Kidstuff coupon books are on sale right now!!  
Pre-order and they will be delivered in time for holiday shopping !!
They have many great coupons for a lot of stores in our area.

Once again, THANK YOU for supporting OUR children.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

FUNDRAISING Continues ....

Well the year is off to a great start.  Kids seem to have the schedules down pat and are having fun in all the schools.
Fundraising is a big part of our PTA and every dime goes back to OUR kids.  The programs that come into schools are paid for by the PTA.  The Scholastic news that the kids get, paid for by the PTA.  SO, as you already know we are off and running with our fundraising.
- The first was Miss Chocolate.  Orders are in and we should have delivery shortly.  We will post the pick-up date for you ASAP.  Thank you to our chairpeople -
CA - Beth Filincieri, CS - Susan Oldenborg and GW - Vickey Ronen
- Second was School Photo Day at all three schools.  Every thing went very smoothly, thanks in HUGE part to our chairpeople,
CA - Lisa Cates, GW - Natalie Pendergast and CS - Mindy Capra.  

Without these Moms and all of their helpers we would be in BIG trouble!!
So thank you once again ladies and gentlemen !

Next up is Kidstuff Coupon Books.

$AVE! $AVE! $AVE - Save on clothing, shoes, toys, Sporting goods, Activities, Food and more !!
Use just a few coupons and save more than the $25.00 cost of the book !! Most coupons valid through
December 31, 2014!
Our schools earn 50% PROFIT !!!

Take a look at

So look for the flier to come home Thursday or Friday with your child and start asking friends, family, neighbors if they would like to purchase a book from your child.
(WHEPTA and Kidstuff do not promote door-to-door sales)

Sale ends November 6, 2013.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Back to School !!

OK, so we are back and off to a great start !!  We know that the beginning of the year is crazy with adjusting to new schedules and teachers and papers and meetings etc..  However, we do need YOUR help !! The PTA is for EVERY child.  Our first meeting of the new 2013-2014 school year will be held on 
Monday, September 30 at 7:30pm in the GW Cafeteria.  
(**This is a different location than last year - so make a note).  Come and sign up for what ever you can.  We need help from EVERYONE to make another successful year in the West Hempstead Elementary Schools.  We hope to see you on teh 30th and bring a friend.
We do this for ALL OF OUR children. 

PLEASE LIKE US ON FACEBOOK  and tell your friends too !!
West Hempstead Elementary PTA

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Don't forget TONIGHT, May 1, 2013 at 7:00pm in the West Hempstead High School Video Conference Room the West Hempstead Elementary PTA/SEPTA/ PTSA will jointly present

"Bullying and CyberBullying: What Parents Need to Know"

Parenting is hard and gets even harder when your child is being bullied, witnesses bullying or is a bully on or offline.  Learn what you need to know to keep your child safe from harm, both online and offline.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Budget Cafe


The next Budget Cafe will be held tomorrow,
Wednesday, February 6th at 7:30 pm 
in the West Hempstead Middle School Cafeteria.

It is very important for everyone to attend this meeting to get an update on our present budget considerations and conversation pertaining to how to solve this problem as a community.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Thanks for the great turnout at the meeting last night.  The District and the parents both feel safety and security of our children is paramount.  Security guards have been put in place at the Elementary level.  Principals were on hand to answer some questions from parents, as was Mr Hogan.  Teachers have been practicing "drills" with the children and keeping them calm in case of an emergency.  After last week at Chestnut Street, it seems to be working, great job by all at Chestnut Street !

Don't forget about the next Budget Cafe is February 6, 2013 at 7:30pm at the WHMS Cafeteria.
It matters to all of us, come out and be heard.  PLEASE mark your calendar and attend.

Check out this video on YouTube, state aid has been cut for Long Island.

Monday, January 28, 2013


Tonight is the first meeting of the New Year 2013.

At Cornwell Avenue School Cafeteria at 7:30 pm.
Our Principals will be present to discuss 
safety and security issues at our schools.  
Teachers will be present with reports from
each school. 

Refreshments will be served.

See you there !!!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

PTA Meeting - January 28

Happy New Year !! The first PTA meeting of the new year 2013 will be held on Monday, January 28, 2013 at Cornwell Avenue School Cafeteria at 7:30 pm.

- Our Principals will speak about safety and security, measures already in place and what will be implemented in the future.
- Come and hear teacher reports.
- Get important information on upcoming activities and fundraisers.
- Find out what's going on in your child's school.

Lead by example --- Get involved !!!
Refreshments will be served.
Hope to see you there.