Well the year is off to a great start. Kids seem to have the schedules down pat and are having fun in all the schools.
Fundraising is a big part of our PTA and every dime goes back to OUR kids. The programs that come into schools are paid for by the PTA. The Scholastic news that the kids get, paid for by the PTA. SO, as you already know we are off and running with our fundraising.
- The first was Miss Chocolate. Orders are in and we should have delivery shortly. We will post the pick-up date for you ASAP. Thank you to our chairpeople -
CA - Beth Filincieri, CS - Susan Oldenborg and GW - Vickey Ronen
- Second was School Photo Day at all three schools. Every thing went very smoothly, thanks in
HUGE part to our chairpeople,
CA - Lisa Cates, GW - Natalie Pendergast and CS - Mindy Capra.
Without these Moms and all of their helpers we would be in BIG trouble!!
So thank you once again ladies and gentlemen !
Next up is Kidstuff Coupon Books.
$AVE! $AVE! $AVE - Save on clothing, shoes, toys, Sporting goods, Activities, Food and more !!
Use just a few coupons and save more than the $25.00 cost of the book !! Most coupons valid through
December 31, 2014!
Our schools earn
50% PROFIT !!!
Take a look at
So look for the flier to come home Thursday or Friday with your child and start asking friends, family, neighbors if they would like to purchase a book from your child.
WHEPTA and Kidstuff do not promote door-to-door sales)
Sale ends November 6, 2013.